Do you feel worried about the unseizable growth of Single Use Plastics? Hoping someone, shomewhere will solve the problem…somehow?

Do you feel worried about the unseizable growth of Single Use Plastics? Hoping someone, shomewhere will solve the problem…somehow?

Unfortunately the problem will not go away on its own.

On the contrary, every second it grows like a mad cancer cell and if we don’t start acting now – our children will be left with its bill. By joining our organization you add your voice to our work against the unnecessary Single Use Plastics and their toxic chemicals.

Become a member of an international organisation uniting people from across the globe that feel too small to tackle the Plastic Problem alone.

And just like that, you are not alone anymore.



Follow these 3 simple steps to join us today


Pledge to reduce Single Use Plastics to the maximum in your own life.

We’ll do our best to help you on this journey!


Spread what you learn about the Plastic Problem around you.

Family, friends, school, office…. there’s always one person that will care.


Apply for membership at The World is Home.

You will hear back from us real fast!

Join us today and become a member of the family

    Questions about the Membership?

    By becoming a member of The World is Home, you are adding a voice to our cause.With your voice we are able to speak louder, to get heard where alone, no-one would pay attention to us. Your help counts. Together we can make a difference. Together, we count more!

    No! Our membership is free of charge.

    By becoming a member of our organization you are making a statement against the growing output of single use plastics.
    You are standing up against the shameless greenwashing, misinformation and astroturfing from the industries producing and using single use plastics for many decades.
    You are demanding new alternatives that won’t cost us our health or harm our beautiful nature.
    Your membership gives us the power of people.
    The power to demand transparency about what we exactly we are sold and what really happens to it after we discard it.
    The power to shift BACK the responsibility for the devastation of the Plastic Pollution away from us and back on those that have lied about it for decades.
    Drops like us make oceans!

    You will learn more about the Plastic Problem. Get updates on new legislations, campaigns and victories from across the world. You will be invited to our webinar, actions and workshops, and all the members-only events we organize. You will also join a positive community of likeminded people, who share tips and solutions to live without Single Use Plastics.

    Our organization is run by volunteers from across the globe and we take no funding from evil corporations. That’s why there’s so much love and no funny stuff here. But it might make our work a little less “slick”, if you feel that you wish to get involved and help out, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

    Can I join as a business?

    If you have a Good Company – providing plastic free solutions- we wish to enhance you! Write us about your products/services and we’ll get in touch.

    If you have a company that struggles with getting rid of plastics, but you wish to learn and make changes instead of Greenwashing – we’re here to help!